I am a Psychic, Clairvoyant, Dream Interpretations, Meditations, Healing, Animal Healing, Spiritual Guidance, Releasment of Earth Bound Spirits, Assistance with Life Issues. I have a gift to connect with my clients, providing insight into the future of my client. I am extremely accurate, genuine and gifted. I use my spirit guides to guide me during all my readings.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Trust and Faith VS Fear and Doubt

Chandru Bhojwani sent a message to the members of Spiritual Corner.

Subject: Trust&Faith vs Fear&Doubt

People often behave exactly how we expect them to behave with us.
If we trust, they are trustworthy.

If we doubt, they will let us down, because that's all we expect from them.

Watch this one with your kids, if you expect them to do well in an exam, they often will. Same is true of expecting them to fail miserably.

Circumstances often turn out the way we expect them to.

My definition of Confidence is - always expecting a positive outcome.

When you walk into a situation, be it personal or professional, when you expect things to go well, you are confident and more often than not, that confidence you exude is what attracts the positive outcome.

Our surroundings are a direct and proportional reflection of our own state of being, which leads me to another experiential learning exercise I participated in.

I had to climb up a 10 meter telephone pole - the circumference of the actual pole was just a little wider than my feet, say 30cm. Sure, I was fully harnessed and it was in a perfectly "safe" environment. But when I got up there, and had to stabalise, before jumping off,
I felt that my world was shaking. The pole was shaking and I was petrified. Later, I realised that it was my own fear, that caused me to tremble and shake which in turn caused the pole to shake.

We effect our surroundings in a much bigger way than we can imagine.

So, the next time you find yourself in a hostile situation, in a uncomfortable place, not trusting anyone or anything, do a quick check to see where all the vibrations are really coming from.

*having said that, we have to trust our instincts as well. Fear can be a good thing sometimes, keeping us away from real danger.
**practice choosing trust instead of fear in non-life-threatening situations often, and strengthen that muscle. Just like going to the gym and working your biceps, the muscle strenghtens and in turn becomes easier and easier to use.

So, two things to walk away from this little note today are:

1) How to be more confident?

Expect only positive outcomes – all the time.
No such thing as “more” confident, you are confident or you are not!
You expect positive results or you expect negative results.

*What is a positive outcome? Hmmmmm…….this is a topic for another article. Having implicit faith is knowing that everything is perfect as it is. Always, even when they appear “wrong”

2) Shall I trust and have faith or should I fear and doubt?

Trusting opens doors. Fear paralyses you.

FEAR is just

In gratitude,
Coach M

Malti is a life coach who encourages her clients to use the law of attraction in their lives to create wonderful results. Using her own experiences as examples she illustrates how one has the power to manifest their desires. She states,

“There is nothing more fulfilling to me than seeing someone take responsibility for their life by declaring what that life is going to be about & then taking definite steps towards living it."

Using her facebook page, Multi coaching international as a portal, she has created a small space to publish her articles, coaching models, & “ask a coach” section as a space for discussion. Feel free to join to receive details & articles.


For those who need a more personal touch, Malti coaches via phone & email.

Good Luck

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