I am a Psychic, Clairvoyant, Dream Interpretations, Meditations, Healing, Animal Healing, Spiritual Guidance, Releasment of Earth Bound Spirits, Assistance with Life Issues. I have a gift to connect with my clients, providing insight into the future of my client. I am extremely accurate, genuine and gifted. I use my spirit guides to guide me during all my readings.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Codex Alimentarius

The global implementation of the Codex Alimentarius is only 5 months away from us & while chemtrails are being sprayed in our skies, our water is being polluted with fluoride, the evil minds that call themselves 'elite' have everything in place for the Codex, let's not forget that real estimates are over 3 billion deaths within a year after implementation of the food & nutritiƫnts guideline alone...And let's not forget what is currently happening with the swine flu 'vaccines', not tested, highly dangerous for everyone, as All should be involved at this Time in this Global Collective Protection of the People ! ! !
This is the time where We as a People, United & Guided by Love, need to Stand Up to this Global Depopulation, we can't let these evil minds continue with the atrocities that are being exposed, every day more... To judge whether One
lives or dies is not up to a group of 'rich' luciferian madmen, who have been responsable for all the major world events that have shaped our history, and ever so to their will...
Knowledge, wisdom & Truth have been concealed for us for a long time, but there's a Rise in Energy on this Earth, a Rise in Awareness & Consciousness, and it's this process that's inspiring more & more Souls these days to Focus on the Right things, the Good deeds, the Needed Actions for the present day...
According to a lot of scientific research regarding DNA, earth's magnetic field's fluctuations, the warming of our complete solar system and much more, these coming years are of Great significance in the Evolution of mankind, we are about to make a Quantum jump in our evolution of consciousness, which will enable us to regain old capabilities, and these upcoming changes of our Geopsyche must be of great threat to the people who have been ruling over us for
thousands of years through only a relative small number of bloodlines... Research shows that our pineal gland is of Great importance in many ways, and it might not sound surprising that for instance the fluoride is a direct attack on our pineal gland, a way of trying to prevent the natural changes happening that we are All entitled to, in a very natural way..
Now, the Codex is also an invention of pure horror, so it's in these upcoming 5 months that you can prove to yourself and your loved ones what Life really means to you... Are you going to sit around & wait for things to get so way out of hand, that you would remember this very message on your sickbed/deathbed within a year, then regretting you didn't do anything, didn't take action? I want everybody to get Real serious involved because many hands make light work, as I was kindly remembered early this week...
Nobody should forget how corrupted governments are, there's no doubt about that,
Freemasonry is very carefully woven in to every government structure or institution, but even more important at this moment is that Everyone is equal, we are All humans, we All share the common Love, which is the Love for Life, and this common Love is the only way to get out of the planned madness of global depopulation, so if you know what the Codex is about already, then think Now what You can do to contribute your part, do you know politicians? Call them, write one good letter & send/mail that out to as many people as you can, do you see cameras anywhere, get in the picture & start talking about the Codex Alimentarius, don't forget how the mainstream news doesn't even mention the Codex, so realize how the masses of the people won't even know what you are talking about, so make small flyers, papers, with the right information, links & websites for others to find their information, remember that the masses have so strongly been manipulated
over the years, that they will not look for this info themselves, it's people like You & me who have to Give them the info & use our Love & Compassion for All to inspire them to learn more about what is happening...
This is not about a fight, no violence can be used in these actions for the coming 5 months, everyone should realize well how uptight our international politics are and how our governments are only waiting for outbreaks of social unrest, violent opposition & protests which will only lead to a police state faster... You may not have Full Freedom, but use your Freedom wisely to fight with Love in a considerate & thoughtful way.... Use your wisdom, Unite with your friends & like minded Souls, as a group always stands stronger than an individual... Make signs & hang them up at your door, make papers with links & spread them around your town, if you go to internet shops, hang those papers up there, bookmark the
good useful sites over there, talk with the owner of the internet shop, cause he can play a big part in guiding everyone who comes in there daily...
Go to your city hall, make appointments with everyone in politics you can, talk to them, explain what is going on, see if they're still human, or merely a machine of the system... Get out on the streets, when you walk around in a city centre, make sure you don't walk around empty handed, hand out information, and look everyone in their eyes without judging them, show your Love for All, tell everyone you can to take action Now & to do their homework, Now...
Everyone of you who has the possibility to grow some organic food yourself, remember that Food is about to change drastically, and it would be a great thing if you actually start saving Lives by just having a garden where you grow enough to hand out something, if this becomes more united in countries, we as a people can protect other people,
just like us...
The time is Now, you can't forgive yourself if you do nothing, do what you can to get educated on the global depopulation program, learn about all the attacks on us, the people, Unite yourselves, bond with others, help lift the veils on their eyes, speak to & learn from others, raise awareness, do everything you can, where you can, your deeds are ripples in an ocean, and no action goes unnoticed, You might not realize yet how strong your influence in this world can be, but by following the rightheous path, that of Love, for Life, for others, for animals, for our skies, for our fields of green, for Water, for Food, for Everything ! ! ! Love is the Only Engine of Survival . .
You have 5 months time to contribute Everything you can, to prevent the madness of mass global genocide taking place, after these 5 months, things change drastically, when the implementation pulls through, you'll start to see mass people dying & getting
very sick, and that goes for Everyone, babies, children, young people, adults, elderly people, so after december 2009 things will get more & more difficult for All of us, so let's Stand Up Now, as a People, as a Group, a strong & responsable group, here alone almost two thousand minds strong, if only everyone contributes a small part of their time, then this collective Ripple Effect will surely have it's meaning & significance, so please All Stand Up Right Now & Start Acting ! !

** YOU CAN Change this Madness
** YOU CAN Unite & Create Awareness
** YOU CAN Help others
** YOU CAN play a strong part in protecting Souls around you
** YOU CAN Change the expected mortality rate of the year 2010
and that is full Truth, so Do it Now ! !

** YOU CAN DO IT, NOW ! ! **

Love is the Only Engine of Survival..

** Codex Alimentarius: Population Control under the Guise of Consumer Protection (10/09/2008)


** Codex Threathens Health of Billions (30/07/2009) **

** Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current Codex Alimentarius Guidelines (21/07/2009) **

** Plan 2000 - Global Depopulation **

** Army in Switzerland is starting to stockpile swine flu "vaccines" as it gears up for a mass forced vaccination of the Swiss population in autumn (30/07/2009) **

** Vaccine Expert Reveals What You Should Know Before You Roll Up Your Sleeve (01/07/2009) **

** Obama gives Baxter legal immunity in advance for any injury and death caused by H1N1 vaccine **

** Government Swine Flu Advisor On Vaccine Maker Payroll (27/07/2009) **

** Ten Things You're Not Supposed to Know about the Swine Flu Vaccine **

** Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder (25/06/2009) **

** Vaccine Nation - Gary Null (90min) **

** Tamiflu Banned in Japan - Same Psychotic Reactions as Anti-Depressants **

** 12,000 U.S. Children To Be Swine Flu Vaccine Guinea Pigs (24/07/2009) **

** Evidence of the Use of Pandemic Flu to Depopulate USA **

** National Security Study Memorandum 200 - 1974 **

** Jane Burgermeister talks with Max Igan (23/07/2009) **

** Jane Burgermeister – End Forced Vaccinations Facebook Group **

** Secret Military Testing on Small US Town **

** More Sites **

** Humanity - The World Is Ours **

All Are Welcome to Join the "United for Freedom" Network:

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NSW, Australia
This Book;A New Beginning is about the story of my childhood and what I had to endure growing up in a foreign country. Australian Buyers http://www.booktopia.com.au/a-new-beginning/prod9781450022118.html USA Buyers http://www.xlibris.com.au/bookstore/bookdisplay.aspx?bookid=500020 e-book http://www.amazon.com/A-New-Beginning-ebook/dp/B003CT30OE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&m=A24IB90LPZJ0BS&s=digital-text&qid=1270603226&sr=1-1 My Groups http://anewbeginning.groups.live.com/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/andreareid/ http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=114130501952306#!/group.php?gid=114130501952306&v=wall http://groups.google.com/groups/profile?user=andreadancingunicorn%40yahoo.com&hl=en&qt_a=Look+up+author&pli=1