I am a Psychic, Clairvoyant, Dream Interpretations, Meditations, Healing, Animal Healing, Spiritual Guidance, Releasment of Earth Bound Spirits, Assistance with Life Issues. I have a gift to connect with my clients, providing insight into the future of my client. I am extremely accurate, genuine and gifted. I use my spirit guides to guide me during all my readings.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Food Additives: Food Preservatives, Colours, Bleaches, Flavours, Emulsifiers, Stabilisers

Additives are used in food to keep it lasting longer and to make it taste, look and smell like something that it is not. They enable food to sit on a supermarket shelf, or in our cupboards, for several months without going bad - and then we eat it. It has been estimated that we consume about 5 kilograms of food additives as preservatives, colours, bleaches, flavours, emulsifiers and stabilisers every year in the food we eat. This not only results in extra work for our body to remove them, but frequently trigger asthma attacks; rashes; respiratory disturbances; hyperactivity in children, and in some people, an abnormal sensitivity to prescribed medications, particularly aspirin. Below are some common additives found in refined foods, and well-worth avoiding by those susceptible to their effects.


Food Additive Name

Often used in

Common reactions


tartrazine (colour)

drinks, cakes, snacks, ice-cream, confectionery

asthma; hyperactivity; aspirin sensitivity


sunset yellow (colour)

drinks, packet soups, dessert, biscuits, confectionery, ice-cream

hyperactivity; allergies; aspirin sensitivity


cochineal (colour)

cakes, confectionery, ice-cream



azorubine (colour)

packet soups, sauces, jams, desserts (jellies)

asthma; hyperactivity; asprin sensitivity


indigotine (colour)

tablets, capsules, icecream, biscuits

nausea; skin rashes; allergies; high blood pressure


brilliant blue (colour)

tinned peas, bacon-flavoured snacks



caramel (colour)

drinks, sauces, soups, cakes, pickles, vinegar



iron oxides (colour)

tinned fish, fish pastes

toxic in high doses


benzoic acid (preservative)

confectionery, cheeses, baked goods

asthma; hyperactivity; reacts with 222


sulphur dioxide (preservative)

beer, wine, soft drinks, dried fruit, cordials

asthma; hyperactivity


sodium bisulphite (preservative)

wine, beer, soft drinks, juices, cordials

asthma; destroys vitamin B1; hyperactivity


sodium nitrite (preservative)

cured meats, some cheeses

hyperactivity; adverse reactions in children; potentially carcinogenic


propyl gallate (antioxidant)

oils, margarine, salad dressings

gastric and skin irritant


tert-butyl hydroquinone (antioxidant)

fats, oils, margarine,packet chips

nausea; delirium


Butylated hydroxyanisole (antioxidant)

fried snacks, soft drinks, edible oils, margarine, chewing gum

hyperactivity; asthma; adverse reactions; allergies; increases cholesterol levels


carageenan (thickener) (emulsifier)

ice-cream, jellies, cake decorations, cheese, salad dressings

allergies; intolerances


mannitol (emulsifier)

icecream, confectionery, low calorie foods

allergies; diarrhoea, nausea


monosodium glutamate (MSG) (flavour enhancer)

prepacked meals, snacks, Chinese cooking

hyperactivity; asthma; adverse reactions; allergies; aspirin sensitivity


disodium 5' ribonucleotide (flavour enhancer)

flavoured crisps, instant noodles, party pies

skin rashes; not easily broken down by body


aspartame (sweetener)

diet drinks, diabetic confectionery, icecream

allergies; headaches; nervous disorders

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