I am a Psychic, Clairvoyant, Dream Interpretations, Meditations, Healing, Animal Healing, Spiritual Guidance, Releasment of Earth Bound Spirits, Assistance with Life Issues. I have a gift to connect with my clients, providing insight into the future of my client. I am extremely accurate, genuine and gifted. I use my spirit guides to guide me during all my readings.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Clear UFO Photo Authenticated

Click for enlarged image.
At 2:34 in the afternoon of May 31, the husband of an Unknowncountry.com subscriber happened to glance out a window of their Eden Isles, Louisiana home, which overlooks Lake Ponchatrain and has a wide view of the sky. To his amazement, he saw an unusual silver object hanging motionless in the clear blue, and took what has turned out to be one of the clearest and most detailed images ever made of a UFO.

The shot was taken with a 15 megapixel Sony digital camera with a 300 MM lens. It is not a computer generated graphic.

Unknowncountry's photo analysts, special effects artist Steve Neill, filmmaker Dan Drasin and web designer Daniel Stegall have examined the image, and offer the following comments:

Dan Drasin:

"I must say it looks convincing. Not at all like what a typical faked saucer might look like. Assuming we're looking at the front of it, it seems to have some kind of "tail" appendage. And the bottom edge has six or eight round nubbins of some kind. There's some kind of apparent side protrusion as well, which looks almost like a cylindrical tank, but it could also be a reflection. No idea what the understructure is all about. It almost looks like a separate craft docked inside a larger enclosure. The color and material looks different.

"But these comments are all subjective. At this resolution, the likelihood is that we're seeing false shapes to some extent. For all we know it might conceivably be one of those silvered Mylar helium balloons that's partially deflated and reflecting distorted landscape features off its wrinkled bottom. That may be an extreme interpretation, but there's simply not enough detail here to rule something like that out."

Steve Neill:

"Whatever this is, after looking at it for some time now, and playing with different filters, I don't believe it's a Mylar balloon that's losing gas and collapsing to form this shape. It very well could be, and I think Dan has made an excellent observation. But the form just seems to angular and sharp to me. Also the pod on its back is very precisely formed and symmetrical. It doesn't appear to be Mickey mouse ears or any other such appendage that may appear on the balloons they make today. They make such a wide variety today, everything from butterflies to dragonflies I have purchased for my wife on occasions. This doesn't look like any of them. It's certainly not a CGI image either."

Daniel Stegall:

"I agree with what everyone else has so far put forth. It's an intriguing photo, but largely (and frustratingly) inconclusive due to the lack of other objects in frame.

"I also wanted to put another possibility out there. It might be some kind of UAV. Consider this: Cypher UAV.

"Not an exact match, but close enough to warrant consideration, though because this is a ducted form of propulsion, I would think that if the object in the photo was something like this UAV, its engine noise would have been audible at that distance."

Steve Neill comments: "Since the SR-71 program was instituted, top secret aircraft are not flown over public areas."

Wow! If you want to learn about MORE secrets and Visitor experiences, come to our Dreamland Festival in Nashville in June (but hurry, there are only a few tickets left!) And wear the best UFO T-shirt, designed by Steve Neill and ONLY available from us (because the "face" image is trademarked).

Related Stories:
10-Apr-2009: UFOs Over Italy Before Quake
25-Mar-2009: UFO Shot by Mono Lake Webcam March 23
18-Mar-2009: Unusual New UFOs Seen in Brazil, China
09-Mar-2009: Similar Videos Suggest Proof of Aliens
15-Jan-2009: Vote YES on UFO Disclosure
12-Jan-2009: Texas UFO Image Shot 01/11/09
02-Jul-2008: Mystery Fireball Streaks Across LA
23-Jun-2008: Helicopter Chases UFO
23-Apr-2008: Sky Lanterns, Helium Balloons, Swamp Gas Around the World
04-Feb-2008: 30 Hour UFO Landing Reported in Mexico

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